Practifly - Not Your Typical Healthcare PPC Agency

PPC Ads Not Bringing the Patients You Expected?

We Can Fix That - Within Your Budget.

Partner with our experts in paid search for doctors to attract and convert the right patients actively looking for your services - without breaking the bank.

Let's Talk

How Practifly Makes Your PPC Ads Work Better

Our streamlined five-step approach focuses on precision by targeting patients who are ready to convert, driving the revenue your care organization deserves.

Old Way Practifly Way
Old Way
Use broad-match keywords to get more clicks at a lower cost.
Keyword Strategy
Practifly Way
Focus on buying-intent keywords that bring appointment bookings and boost your ROI.
Old Way
Use the same generic ad copy as your competitors, struggling to stand out and win over patients.
Ad Copy and Relevance
Practifly Way
Choose themes that highlight your unique value, test different headlines, descriptions, and CTAs, and optimize based on what resonates best with your audience.
Old Way
Directing patients to a generic landing page that doesn’t align with the ad they clicked.
Landing Pages
Practifly Way
Align landing pages with each ad group's core message or theme to keep visitors connected to what first caught their attention. This clear, consistent path boosts the chances of conversion.
Old Way
Focus solely on adding new search terms, and your ads may appear in irrelevant searches. Users leave quickly, wasting your budget and hurting performance.
Irrelevant Search Terms
Practifly Way
Use negative keywords to filter out irrelevant searches, ensuring your ads reach the right audience. This maximizes valuable clicks, protects your budget, and reduces bounce rates that can flag your ads.
Old Way
Rely on automated settings that might not optimize your budget.
Campaign Management
Practifly Way
Take control by actively managing and adjusting campaigns, overriding defaults where needed to ensure you're reaching the right patients within your budget.

Why Choose Practifly for Your Healthcare PPC Advertising Needs?

We Bring the Best of

Both Three Worlds


Ready to See More Patients With PPC?

Frequently Asked Questions

To get started with PPC ads, first decide who you want to reach and what services to promote. Choose a partner that fits your needs, then find keywords that potential patients are searching for. Write clear and appealing ad copy, and make sure your landing pages encourage visitors to take action. Finally, launch your campaign and keep an eye on how it’s performing so you can make improvements.

You can usually see some results from PPC ads within a few days. However, to get a clearer picture of how well your ads are doing, it’s best to wait about 4 to 6 weeks. This gives you enough time to gather data and make changes to improve your ads based on what works best.