Navigating the AI Landscape in Healthcare IT: Insights from 314e's Webinar

16 August, 2024 | 4 Min | By Shweta Chakraborty
  • Category: News and Media
  • AI in healthcare IT - a buzzing topic that's as exciting as it is daunting. 

    Recently, on August 8th, 2024, our healthcare IT experts - Ryan Seratt, Director of Training and Development, and Alyssa Dennis, HIM Product Manager at 314e conducted a webinar titled ‘AI: A Valuable Crew Member, Not the Ship’s Captain’. In the webinar, they explored the world of AI in healthcare IT, busting myths and highlighting real-world applications. 

    Minutes into the webinar a question comes to the forefront that picks up on the dual potential of AI - is AI a boon or a bane for our healthcare IT professionals? Is it the Terminator or the friendly Star Trek crew member? Well, spoiler: it's neither.

    AI is here to assist, not replace, and the discussion from 314e’s experts made it clear that while AI can boost productivity and streamline processes, it’s all about keeping the human touch in the mix. From the smart vector search capabilities of Jeeves to Dexit’s AI-powered document management, our experts also explored how 314e is harnessing AI to make healthcare more efficient.

    So, ready to explore how AI is shaping the future of healthcare? Let’s dive in!

    1. Understanding AI: Separating Myth from Reality
    2. Current Applications of AI in Healthcare
    3. AI at 314e: A Look at Our Innovations
    4. Managing AI: Best Practices for Healthcare Professionals
    5. The Future of AI in Healthcare

    1. Understanding AI: Separating Myth from Reality

    In the healthcare IT landscape, understanding what AI truly is—and isn’t—is essential. AI is often misunderstood, with some perceiving it as a conscious entity capable of replacing human jobs. However, AI is fundamentally a tool designed to augment human capabilities, not replace them.

    So, what are some of the common misconceptions around AI in healthcare IT?

    As put forward by our expert speakers, most of the time, AI is perceived in a dual form:


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