Ryan Seratt

What Your Training Team Needs to Know About Onboarding and Just-in-Time Training

24 April, 2023 | 4 Min Read

As a CXO in a health system, you already know that effective training is the cornerstone of ongoing success, and you are aware that there are multiple training approaches to best reach your physicians and nurses.

The world of healthcare IT training is ideally split into two key spheres - Onboarding training and Just-in-time (JIT) training. Just-in-time (JIT) training and Onboarding training require two vastly different training methods, and with this issue, let’s decode the difference between the two.

What Is Onboarding Training?

Fasten your seat belts because it’s time to get transported to day 1 of new physicians and nurses at your health system.

Picture this: it’s Day 1, and your new physicians and nurses are all set to begin their journey.

They attend an orientation session to learn about the organization’s history, culture, and values. Then, they learn the policies and procedures that ensure the safety of both patients and staff. Next, they learn about cutting-edge healthcare IT systems to communicate more effectively with their colleagues. Finally, they attend professional development opportunities like continuing education courses and mentorship programs to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends. By the end of the training, healthcare IT professionals will be equipped to tackle any challenge. Overall, the onboarding training is a thrilling journey that sets them up for success in the healthcare industry.

So where’s the problem?

Uh oh, it’s time to talk about the downside of onboarding training. Don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom, but let’s be real - every rose has its thorn.

  • Information overload: With so much to learn, onboarding training can be overwhelming for healthcare IT professionals. Providing adequate support and guidance can help them manage the information more effectively.
  • Boring content: Learning about policies and procedures can be less than thrilling. Adding interactive activities and engaging content can help keep your healthcare IT professionals alert and engaged.
  • Fixed schedules: Traditional onboarding training for physicians and nurses requires them to take time away from patient care for fixed learning programs. However, modern healthcare professionals prefer on-demand learning opportunities that offer flexibility and convenience.

How to Cope With This? (Ever heard of Just-in-Time training?)

Now let’s get you through an average day of physician and nurse. When dealing with your EHR, this is how they feel👇 (I’ve personally heard quite a bunch of people tell me this)

Physicians dealing with EHR Just-in-time EHR training and support Jeeves 314e

This is exactly when they need Just-in-time training.

JIT training is like your own personal superhero, providing targeted training exactly when you need it most. It’s quick, focused, and designed to give you the specific knowledge you need to tackle a particular issue in real-time. It’s like having a healthcare IT expert by your side, guiding you through the problem step-by-step.

So, the main difference between JIT training and onboarding training is the timing and scope. JIT training is like a fast-acting superhero, saving the day when you need it most, while onboarding training is more like a comprehensive training boot camp, giving you a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to set you up for success.

If I had to picturise both, this is how it would look 👇

Onboarding and Just-in-Time Training in workflow Just-in-time EHR training and support Jeeves 314e

Do You Need Both of These Training Methods? If Yes, Then Why?

Imagine you’re struttin’ down the streets of a bustling city, but instead of traffic lights and honking cars, you’re surrounded by physicians and nurses rushing around, saving lives and taking names. It can be difficult to navigate this crazy new world without a proper map. That’s where onboarding training comes in! It’s like the trusty guidebook that tells you everything you need to know about the healthcare organization you’ll be working for.

But what happens when you come across a situation you never thought you’d face? That’s where Just-in-time (JIT) training comes in! It’s like having a personal navigator who can guide you to where you need to be. JIT training provides specialized knowledge on-demand, so you’ll never feel lost or unprepared. Check out this really cool JIT tool that could be of value to your team.

Think of it like driving a car. Onboarding training is like learning the basics - how to start the car, shift gears, and hit the gas and brake pedals. JIT training is like the GPS that helps you get to your destination, no matter how twisty the roads may be.

Your physicians or nurses need both your trusty guidebook and your personal navigator to thrive in this wacky world. With onboarding and JIT training, they’ll be able to navigate even the craziest of medical emergencies with confidence and skill!

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