Ryan Seratt

Meet the Dynamic Duo of EHR Training and Support

05 June, 2023 | 5 Min Read

Have you heard about the impact of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) on doctors’ workload?

It turns out that since the implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), physicians and nurses spend an extra 1-2 hours a day working (commonly called “THE PAJAMA TIME”). That’s a significant amount of time that could be used to take a well-deserved break.

But here’s the good news - proper EHR training and support can help! And that’s where LMS and JIT come in.

Keep reading to explore how these two can help you provide improved EHR training.

Let’s Quickly Recap What an LMS Is 🤔

LMS (a.k.a Learning Management System) is like the dependable best friend of your EHR training!

It’s the experienced mentor of EHR training equipped with all the tools and resources you need to succeed. It’s a responsible character that takes training seriously, like having a personal assistant that keeps track of everything for you, from your training progress to the learning objectives you need to achieve. With LMS, you can rest easy knowing that you’re on track and working towards your goals.

For those looking to start EMR or EHR training, an LMS can be a valuable tool to support your learning journey. LMS provides a structured approach to learning and allows physicians and nurses to progress at their own pace. They’ll have access to a variety of educational resources that can enhance understanding and retention of the material. LMS also provides feedback on progress, so you can assess your strengths and weaknesses, identify areas that need improvement, and adjust your training accordingly. Whether the person is a novice or a seasoned professional, LMS can help achieve learning goals with confidence.

It’s About Time You Met JIT🕙

Are you ready to meet your new favorite EHR learning partner?

Say hello to JIT (a.k.a Just-in-Time training) - the superhero of EHR training! With lightning-fast speed and agility, JIT is equipped to help you tackle any learning challenge that comes your way. JIT’s “Just-in-Time” training approach means that you’ll receive bite-sized learning nuggets that are customized to your specific needs. Whether you need a quick refresher on a particular topic or an update on changing processes, JIT has got your back!

JIT is also super flexible and can adapt to changing circumstances, making it an excellent choice for those who need to switch up their learning style or suddenly face a new challenge. So, if you’re looking for a speedy and flexible way to master EHR training, JIT is the learning partner you’ve been waiting for!


Are you ready for a showdown between the two titans of EHR training?

These two characters may be different, but they each bring their unique strengths to the table. So, let’s take a closer look at their differences and see which one comes out on top!

JIT is like a sleek, fast bicycle that can easily maneuver through traffic. It’s quick, agile, and always ready to go. With JIT, you can enjoy bite-sized learning modules that are tailored to your specific needs and delivered just when you need them. It’s simply the best way to adjust to your pace and help you avoid information overload.

On the other hand, LMS is like a sturdy, dependable truck that can handle heavy loads without breaking a sweat. It may not be as fast as JIT, but it offers a comprehensive training experience that covers all the bases. LMS provides the structure and evaluation necessary to ensure that learners acquire the essential knowledge and can track their progress every step of the way.

Did Someone Say, “The Best of Both Worlds?” 🙌

EHR training is like a delivery company that uses different vehicles for different jobs. LMS is like a moving truck used for comprehensive learning, and JIT is like a scooter used for quick and efficient knowledge transfer. Together, they provide a powerful combination for EHR training. By choosing the right training method, learners can achieve their desired outcomes effectively and efficiently, just like a delivery company choosing the right vehicle for the job.

LMS serves as the sturdy base that provides the structure and foundation for EHR training. It ensures learners have foundational knowledge and their progress is being tracked accurately. On the other hand, JIT adds flexibility and adaptability to the system. It delivers just-in-time training that’s tailored to learners’ needs, ensuring they stay engaged and motivated.

When JIT and LMS work together, they’re like a well-oiled machine that produces excellent results. LMS provides the necessary structure and content, while JIT adds the element of agility and flexibility. It’s like having a solid foundation with the ability to adjust and adapt to any situation.

By combining the power of JIT and LMS, EHR training becomes a seamless experience. Learners get the best of both worlds - comprehensive training and personalized learning experiences. JIT and LMS complement each other perfectly, creating a harmonious balance that ensures learners acquire the necessary knowledge efficiently and effectively.

As I conclude, I hope you’ve learned that these two characters make the perfect pair in EHR training. Just like Peanut Butter and Jelly, LMS, and JIT work best when they’re together, delivering a powerful punch of just-in-time training and comprehensive learning.

So why settle for one when you can have both? Embrace the dynamic duo of EHR training and watch as learners engage, retain knowledge, and achieve their learning goals in a fun and effective way. Remember, with JIT and LMS, the sky’s the limit!

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