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Curious About Implementing Microlearning? Find Answers Here

11 June, 2024 | 3 Min Read

We all know microlearning is a game-changer, but how do you realistically put it into practice for EHR training in your hospital?

That’s exactly what I’m going to tell you; I’m ready to make that journey from understanding to implementation easy and practical.

From Theory to Practice: Why Microlearning is Essential

72% of organizations are jumping on the microlearning train and for a good reason! Here’s why microlearning is transforming EHR training:

  • Faster & Easier: Short, focused modules fit seamlessly into clinicians’ busy days.
  • More Effective: Bite-sized knowledge sticks better than information overload.
  • Just-in-Time: Learn what you need, when you need it, for tasks at hand.

Let’s Make Microlearning Happen in Your Hospital!

Here’s a cheat sheet to get you started:

  1. Focus on What Matters
    Ensure your microlearning modules address the daily tasks and functionalities your staff uses most. That way, it’s relevant and immediately applicable.
  2. Structure? Definitely Matters
    • Content is King: Find out what skills your staff needs most through surveys or focus groups.
    • Chunk it Up: Break down complex topics into bite-sized modules (think 3-7 minutes each).
    • Variety is Key: Mix things up with videos, animations, or infographics
    • Real-World Focus: If the content is King, then the context is Queen. Use scenarios staff encounter every day to make learning relatable.
  3. Make it Fun and Engaging!
    • Gamify It: Earn points and badges or compete on leaderboards to make learning fun.
    • Social Learning Power: Encourage discussions and knowledge sharing through forums or social media features.


  • Microlearning is your sidekick, not your replacement. Use it for specific skills or refreshers.
  • Start small and group microlearnings together to grow bigger. Develop a few high-impact modules based on staff needs and expand later as needed.
  • Track and measure, use data to see what works and what doesn’t – then adjust!

Bonus Tip: Integrate Just-in-Time Learning

A nurse searching on sharpoint vs using microlearning ehr-training newsletter 314e

Imagine this: A nurse needs a quick refresher on a new EHR feature right before using it with a patient. Traditionally, they’d be stuck searching manuals or relying on colleagues. Microlearning offers a better solution!

Just-in-time microlearning delivers bite-sized knowledge exactly when staff need it.

This means:

  • Reduced Time Waste: No more scheduling conflicts or lengthy training sessions. Staff learn at the point of need, boosting efficiency.
  • Improved Knowledge Retention: Learning applied immediately is more likely to stick, leading to better EHR proficiency.
  • Enhanced Confidence: Staff feel empowered to tackle new tasks with the right knowledge at their fingertips.

Want to know what else Just-in-Time training can do? Check out 13 benefits of Just-in-Time training here.

Microlearning isn’t just convenient; it’s a game-changer! Empower your staff to be their best selves and deliver exceptional patient care. Let’s make EHR training something to celebrate!

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