The 4 Steps to Create a Micro learning Video

16 April, 2021 | 4 Min | By 314e Employee
  • Category: EHR Training and Ongoing Support
  • Having seen many Micro learning videos, they look so easy. Just record how to do something, right? Well, when something looks really easy or simple, it means that it was planned out well. These are the 4 main steps when creating the Micro learning Video.

    1. Create an outline or script. Knowing what you want to teach is key, but then writing out each word that needs to be conveyed is even more important. The outline would consist of the main bullet points of the lesson and then, filling in between the bullet points with the content, comprises the script. Once the script is written, read it out loud and time yourself. Your reading of the script with a calm voice should not be longer than 2 minutes. Remove all filler words such as so, uh, um, like, basically, actually, seriously, we, literally, totally, clearly, you see, you know, I mean, believe me, you know what I mean, at the end of the day, I guess/I suppose, Okay/so, or something, right/mhm/uh-huh, etc. By removing all of the filler words and focusing on exactly what you are teaching, you will enhance the training and increase believability. Filler words undermine training because they cast a shadow of doubt on what you are saying. In natural conversation, the human brain doesn’t use filler words because the discussion is based on the brain’s processing of information and communicating an idea. The human being only uses filler words to fill empty space when the brain is retrieving information that is stored in memory. This tells the person that is being communicated with that it is not the communication of ideas but retrieved memory. This is also an indicator that the person who is speaking doesn’t believe in what they are saying. (Vandette, 2018). The main point is to have a clean script.
    2. Screen capture exactly what it is you want to teach, step by step. Capture everything all at one time. Then capture each step of the process. In this way, you can edit and make sure that the video demonstration is correct and flawless.
    3. Add sounds, such as narration and soundtrack music. Decide if you want the music playing softly in the background throughout, or if you want an Intro and Outro (meaning music at the beginning and end only). This takes editing to make sure that the length of the music fits the length of the video and that it fades in and out with the correct timing of the video. The narration needs to be recorded in a soundless environment. This means that a sound box or a soundproof room is needed. It is a very good idea to record the soundtrack as small bits called sound bits and then add each sound bit to the video in the most appropriate place so it matches the video. Some try to watch the video and record it while watching. I prefer to record the soundbites from the script in small pieces and add the MP3 to the video and place it exactly where it is needed.
    4. Final edit and publish. Add the video and sound together and remove any extra video that is not necessary. This is also a great time to see if there were any steps that were missed in the process. Information that is missed will discredit you so it is crucial to ensure that every step of the process is captured. Do not assume that the viewer “should know”. They don’t – so show them. The most overlooked step is the dropdown arrow with submenus. If the viewer needs to open a dropdown to select from a submenu, it must be shown in the video. We want our viewers who are our learners to trust that every step is shown. If they are trying to replicate what they have just seen and they cannot find one step of the process, they will never watch another video. Building trust and keeping trust but missing one step are a killer in Micro learning videos. Don’t rush through editing. Closed Captioning is very important. Make sure the closed captioning on your video is enabled so the viewer can read the dialogue if they need be.

    There you have it: 4 steps to create Micro learning videos. It may sound simple, but it is not easy. The art of mastery of Micro learning Videos can take skill needed for the production, time, and practice in many software programs, requiring advanced skill sets in several different areas. This also included knowing the instructional design, knowing how to present information in a manner that is able to be engaging and retaining.

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