Measuring Training: Surveys

02 April, 2021 | 3 Min | By 314e Employee
  • Category: EHR Training and Ongoing Support
  • Evaluating how the training was delivered in the perception of the learner is a needed observation for the training team. Did the learner feel confident in the training they received? Did they notice anything that can be improved upon? So many questions can be asked but we want to keep the questions down to 10 or less.

    Surveys are one of the baseline measurements that can be used to measure many aspects within a company. As long as the questions are asked in a fashion to be counted. Example: Survey question: Overall “Why do we need Surveys?” There are many reasons but these are the top 4 reasons. Evoke discussion, uncover information or discover the answers, decision making, comparative compare results.

    Evoke discussion: At the bottom of the survey ask: In the future, if randomly selected, would you be interested in being invited to be included in a discussion forum or discovery taskforce. This helps to identify those who are open to discussing organizations topics. This is a wonderful way to gain feedback and open communication in the organization. Hosting open discussions on topics helps in identifying undecided problems but also the answer. When an employee has been creating workarounds to cover up for an issue that is not proactively addressed, they have already developed several improved processes. These discussion forums that were created by the surveys help with these types of internal process improvements.

    Uncover Information: learn about the motivates by utilizing the opinions and comments. When an individual has the opportunity to add a comment that is constructive they feel like they are contributing and heard. This is one reason when asking for comments the question needs to be presented in a positive way. Example: “What is one thing you would suggest to improve…? Or “If you improve one thing what would it be and how would you implement that change?

    This type of controlled comments help to identify areas of improvement.

    Decision Making: Surveys are an unbiased approach to making decisions. When a new process idea is added into a survey and the majority of the employees respond in a particular manner and the organization does what the majority of the surveys suggested. Then the employees feel like they have been heard. Positive reinforcement of their contributions. Example: Survey Question – Do you want a healthy snack vending machine added into the employee vending machines area – Yes/No Yes=100 No=15 so the company adds another vending machine with only healthy snacks. Increasing employee satisfaction.

    Comparative: The surveys can be compared over time and used to identify improvements. The original survey is a baseline that creates a benchmark that the results can be compared over time.

    Surveys can be included in the pre-employment application process. Questions like:

    What is one reason you applied for this company: 1. The pay and benefits; 2. The job description; 3. The reputation for the company; 4. A friend works here and told you about the company. 5. Other.

    How did you hear of this position: 1. Indeed; 2. LinkedIn…

    Then once the employee has worked at the company for 3 months or there is another survey have a follow up question: If a position opened at this company would you want to refer your friends to work here? Yes/No

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