Ensure Your EHR Training Plan Hits the Mark: Free Template

Ensure Your EHR Training Plan Hits the Mark: Free Template

19 January, 2024 | 5 Min Read | By Ryan Seratt
  • Category: EHR Training and Ongoing Support
  • Every health system boasts an EHR training plan, but the critical question lingers: is it right on target? Let’s delve into the intricacies and ensure your EHR training plan is as robust as it needs to be with our template.

    1. Reassess Your EHR Training Plan

    Your EHR training plan template is the backbone of efficient training. Take a step back and scrutinize it. Ask yourself:

    Are Learning Objectives Crystal Clear?

    The cornerstone of any effective training plan lies in the clarity of its learning objectives. Ensure that these objectives are not only specific but also measurable. Participants should have a clear understanding of what they are expected to achieve by the end of the training. For example, instead of a vague objective like “Understand EHR functionalities,” a refined objective would be “Demonstrate proficiency in navigating patient records, including entering and retrieving information.” Learn more about making your objectives crystal clear in How to Define Clear Learning Objectives and Outcomes for an EHR Training Plan.

    Reassessing ensures a thorough analysis of whether the learning objectives align seamlessly with the broader goals of Epic EHR training. This alignment ensures that the training doesn’t merely transfer information but directly contributes to mastering essential skills and processes.

    Does User Segmentation Cater to Realities?

    The healthcare workforce is diverse, encompassing individuals with varied roles, responsibilities, and proficiency levels. A one-size-fits-all approach to training is no longer adequate. A nuanced understanding of user segmentation is crucial. Regularly reassess and adjust user groups based on the evolving needs of your healthcare system. Segmenting users into roles like “Physicians,” “Nurses,” and “Administrative Staff” ensures targeted training. For instance, physicians might focus on clinical aspects, while administrative staff may emphasize scheduling and billing processes. To take it one step further and ensure even better results, further segmentation is key. For example, segment physicians into surgeons, inpatient, and outpatient physicians to gain even more targeted benefits.

    2. Evaluate Training Methods and Channels

    Your training methods and channels need to align with the fast-evolving healthcare landscape.


    Is Your Mix of Training Methods Optimal?

    A well-rounded training plan involves a mix of diverse training methods. Incorporate in-person sessions for interactive learning experiences. Utilize virtual sessions to accommodate situations where the IT trainer cannot travel to the classroom facility because the staff is disbursed through many locations. Integrate online modules to provide self-paced learning opportunities and Just-in-Time training. Don’t overlook the effectiveness of simulation exercises, especially for complex processes. For hands-on processes like entering patient data, include simulation exercises. Virtual sessions could be used for theoretical aspects, and online modules can offer self-paced learning opportunities for ongoing training.

    This diverse approach ensures that participants engage with the material in ways that suit their learning preferences and schedules.

    Are Delivery Channels Meeting Accessibility Needs?

    Accessibility is a cornerstone of practical training. Confirm that your chosen delivery channels align with the accessibility requirements of your diverse participants. Ensure that the chosen channels don’t inadvertently create barriers for any participant group, fostering inclusivity.

    3. Fine-tune Your Training Schedule and Milestones

    Your training schedule should be a well-organized roadmap. Reflect on:

    Does Your Schedule Avoid Overwhelming the Staff?

    Breaking down the training into manageable modules is akin to crafting a carefully sequenced roadmap. Each module should focus on specific aspects of the EHR system, preventing information overload.

    Are There Ample Opportunities to Learn?

    Breaking down the training into manageable modules is not only needed for comprehension but is key in messaging as well. Unless learners are provided with dedicated time to complete their training, then it is key that the learning be presented in quick, easily digestible chunks. That allows the learners to focus on training during slower parts of their shifts.

    4. Continuous Assessment and Progress Tracking

    The feedback loop of continuous assessment is vital. Scrutinize:

    How Effective Are Your Assessment Methods?

    Assessing participants’ understanding requires a multifaceted approach. A mix of quizzes, surveys, and hands-on exercises ensures you gather comprehensive insights into their comprehension. This diversity of assessment methods not only provides a holistic view but also caters to varied learning preferences.

    5. Enhance Support and Resources

    Your support system is crucial. Examine:

    Is Your Technical Support Robust?

    Training recall hiccups are inevitable. Ensure participants have easy access to robust technical support throughout their training journey. A Just-in-Time training tool like Jeeves provides that training in the moment of need for EHR users when they are stuck with something in their EHR workflow. It also comes with a chatbot that can provide EHR users with precise answers to any questions they have about EHR tasks.

    Are Resources Comprehensive?

    Participants should never feel stranded when faced with queries. From user manuals to FAQs, ensure a comprehensive repository of resources that cover every conceivable question or concern. Don’t worry; Jeeves has got all of this. This not only empowers participants but also fosters a sense of confidence and self-sufficiency.

    Now, with these components in your EHR Training Plan, you’re ready to create a robust, effective training program that ensures your users master the EHR system. Get started and watch your healthcare organization thrive!

    Need a guide to score your existing EHR training plan? Download the free template here.

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